
Showing posts from July, 2022

What is Washer and Types of Washers

Washers are vital components in fastening and assembly operations. A washer's shape, features and specifications are directly related to its application and the requirements of the end product it will be used in. Washers perform many functions in addition to the common one of acting as a seal for bolts, nuts, screws and rivets. They also insulate, seal, lock, space, improve appearance, provide, spring take-up, align, distribute loads, etc. Stainless Steel Washers Manufacturer are indispensable to the function of virtually every machine or device with moving parts. Failure to properly specify the best type of washer can generate costs that far exceed the value of even the most expensive washer-a broken penny washer can shut down a million dollar machine! Washers are available in almost limitless varieties. Any types of material that can be stamped can be made into a washer. Materials used in the manufacture of washers cover a broad range of metallic and non-metallic, including low